Rent a car in Poznan City Center

Poznań can be reached by the A2 route from Łódź and Warsaw. From Gdansk via Bydgoszcz you can get to the capital of Wielkopolska via the A1 and S5. In addition, there is an airport in Poznań, which offers a range of connections with Spain, Italy, Greece, Finland, Jordan, Turkey and even Thailand. 

The Old Town with the Town Hall

You can start your sightseeing tour from the Old Town. This is one of the showpieces of Poznan. Its Old Market Square is one of the largest in Poland after the Market Square in Krakow and Wroclaw. Not only is it vibrant, it's also a perfect meeting place thanks to the numerous cafes, pubs and restaurants that are located within its borders. 

On the Market Square you will find the city's famous Town Hall. It was built in the Renaissance style and houses the Museum of the History of Poznan. On the tower of the town hall there is a clock with probably the most popular goats in Poland (well, maybe just after Koziołek Matołek). There is a legend connected with them. 

During the official presentation of the clock a feast was to take place. The cook, who was preparing the dishes, burned a leg of roe deer, which was to be the main course. Stressed, he looked for a solution to this situation so as not to disappoint the hungry guests. He thought of replacing the roe deer with two goats. He went in search of the animals and they ran away from him and ended up at the very top of the tower where they started to gobble with their horns. The mayor liked the story so much that he decided to associate the image of the two billy-goats with the clock. As a result, every day at noon, two goats appear on the tower and bang their horns 12 times.

Imperial Castle

In Poznan there is also the Imperial Castle. Its history begins in 1905, when it was built for the German Emperor William II. After World War I, the castle housed the University of Poznan. Interestingly, in the 1930s graduates of this school did an amazing thing. They broke the code of the German cipher machine Enigma. Today the building hosts Centrum Kultury Zamek, where concerts, plays, exhibitions, film screenings etc. are held. All these attractions are free of charge.

Poznan Malta 

Where is Malta? In Poznan! Malta is a recreational area, which is used for active recreation. You can come here to walk, jog, ride a bike and go kayaking or wakeboarding. And that's not all! For fans of winter activities this place offers a ski slope, toboggan run, pontoon ride. And lovers of thrills attracted by an adventure park and a rollercoaster. 


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