Carwiz cars available in Poznań!
As of April, 12 Carwiz clients can rent cars at the Poznań airport.
- After Rzeszów and Lublin - in eastern Poland - the time has come to increase Carwiz presence in western Poland. The choice fell on Poznan, the capital of Wielkopolska region and a thriving airport serving both domestic and international traffic. This is a city with a huge potential for the services provided by Carwiz - says Tomasz Pulter, President of Inter Fleet Franchise Sp. z o.o., which is the representative of the Carwiz brand in Poland.
The new location at Poznań Airport serves customers from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. all days of the week. The office phone number is: (+48) 666 156 152, and the e-mail is:
See you in Poznań!